
Disclosure policy

Basic Policies

The basic policy of our IR activities is to provide our shareholders and investors with corporate information that contributes to their investment decisions in a timely, appropriate, and fair manner. We recognize that one of our most important management tasks is to continue to be a corporate group that is trusted by shareholders and investors through information disclosure and constructive dialogue.

Disclosure Standards

We disclose information in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law, other relevant laws and regulations, and the Timely Disclosure Rules established by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
In addition, we will proactively disclose information not covered by the Timely Disclosure Rules, such as the content of explanations given at financial results briefings, on this website if we believe such information is useful to shareholders and investors.

Method of Information Disclosure

Information subject to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law and related laws and regulations is disclosed through the Electronic Disclosure for Investors' NETwork (EDINET) operated by the Financial Services Agency.
Information subject to the timely disclosure rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) is disclosed through the TSE's Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet).
Information disclosed through these means will be posted on this website promptly after disclosure.

Positioning of this website

This website is intended for those who wish to view our information on the Internet.
However, because posting of information on this website may be delayed due to communication problems, etc., the disclosure of information on this website is intended only as a supplement to the disclosure of information.
However, because of possible delays in posting information due to telecommunication failures and other reasons, the information disclosed on this website is intended only as a supplemental information. In some cases, we may have changed the wording to make it easier to understand on the website, which may be different from information disclosed by other means.
We ask that you use this website with a full understanding of the above.

Quiet Period

In order to prevent leaks of financial information and ensure fairness in information disclosure, we observe a quiet period from the day following the end of each quarter to the day of the announcement of financial results.
During the quiet period, we refrain from answering questions regarding the relevant financial results and, in principle, decline to hold IR meetings with shareholders and investors.